What is demux (demultiplexer)? ( 2:4 ,3:8 & 4:16 demux )...

What is demux (demultiplexer)? ( 2:4 ,3:8 & 4:16 demux )...

Q) :- What is demultiplexer ?
Ans:- It is a combinational logic circuit which is consist of single input and switches through many many output with the help of select line..

If 'n' is the no of select line and 'N'is the no of output line.
               1:4 demux :-

This demux consist of single data input line band switches through a four data output line with the help of select line.

Let us consider 'I' is input line.  So & S1 are select line and  Y0,Y1, Y2, & Y3 are output line.

Truth table of 1:4 demux.

Expression of 1:4 demux.

Realisation of 1:4 demux.
             1:8 demux

This demux consist of single data input line and switches through a eight data output line with the help of select line.
Let us consider I is the data input line and S0, S1 & S2,  are select line and Y0,Y1,Y2,Y3,Y4,Y5,Y6 & Y7 are data output line.

 Truth  table of 1:8 demux

Expression of 1:8 demux
Realisation of 1:8 demux


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