Logic gate and types of logic gate

Q):-  What is logic gate ?

Ans:-   In electronics, a logic gate is an idealized or physical device implementing a Boolean function; that is, it performs a logical operation on one or more binary inputs and produces a single binary output. 

   Q):-  How many types of logic gates are there ?

 Ans:- There are three types of logic gates.

  1):-    Basic gate.
  2):-.   Universal gate.
  3):-    Arithmetic gate./ special gate.

 1):- What is Basic gate ?

  And:-  These gates gives idea about one of                the fundamental expression either                  addition of variable ,    
              Multiplication of variable and      
              Compliment of the variable.

  •   How many types of Basic gate are there ?

 And:-   There are three types of basic gate .
 a):-  NOT gate / inverter .
 b):-  AND gate .
 C):-  OR gate .

  a):- What is NOT gate ?


Function of  NOR  gate is to reverse  the nature  of the  input  .It converts true  input  to false  and vice  versa.  

Note :--
  • A NOT gate has only one input and one output.
  • The NOT gate is also known as  inverter or inhibitor or compliment .
  •  The output of the NOT gate is the compliment (1's compliment) of the input signal.
  • If the input signal is LOW ,the output signal is HIGH.
  •   If the input signal is HIGH , the output signal is LOW.
 Note:-1--  Not made up of any gate .

  Symbol of NOT gate

  • Truth table for NOT gate:-
  •   It is a tabler representation for any device which indicates input and output relationship of that device .

  • Switch case of  NOT gate :- 

        A                Bulb 
Open         ON
Close        OFF

  •  Waveform of NOT gate :--

  •  Circuit diagram of NOT gate :-

 Note:-2--  If odd number of NOT gate is connected together ,If will result a compliment output.

 Note:-3--  If even number of NOT gate connected together,If will result a same output.

b):-.      What is AND gate ?

Function of  AND  gate is to  give the  output  true  when  both the  inputs are  true.  In all  the other remaining  cases output becomes false

  •  An AND gate has two or more inputs  and only one output.
  • The other of an gate  is 1 ,if all the l inputs are 1. If any one of the inputs is 0,the output is 0..
  Symbol of AND gate:-
 Expression of AND gate :-
   Truth table of AND gate :-

Switching of AND gate :-

Waveform of AND gate :-

Circuit diagram of AND gate :-

Note-1):-  AND gate is disable at '0' .

 Note-2):-  AND gate is enable at '1' .

 C ):-   what is OR gate ?

  Function of  OR gate is to  give output  true  when one  of  the either inputs are  true  .In the remaining case  output  becomes false
  • A OR gate has two or more inputs and only one output.
 Symbol of  OR gate :-  
Expression of OR gate:- 
Truth table of  OR gate :-

Waveform  of OR gate :-

Switching  circuit  of the OR gete:-

                           A             B.             Bulb
                         Open       close.       ON
                         Close       open.        ON
                         Close.       Close        ON
                         Open        Open.       OFF

Circuit diagram of OR gate:-

Q2):- What is universal gates ?

Ans:-    It is a gate by using all the gate can be formed.

Q):- How many types of universal gates ?
Ans:-  There are two types of universal gates. 
a)     NANDgate . 
b)      NOR gate  .

Qa):-Wh is NAND gate ?  


Ans:-Function of  NAND  gate is to give  true  output  when one  of the  two provided input  are  false.  In the  remaining  output  is true

Symbol of  NAND gate :-

Expression of NAND gate :-

Truth table of NAND gate :-

Switch case of NAND gate :-

Waveform of NAND gate :-

Circuit diagram of NAND gate :-

Note:- combination of NAND gate has AND gate or NOT gate .

b) What is NOR gate ?
NOR  gate gives the  output  true  when  both the  two provided input are  false.  In  all  the other  cases output remains false.

Symbol of NOR gate :-

Expression of NOR gate :-
Truth table of NOR gate:-

Switch case of NOR gate :-
Waveform of NOR gate :-

Note :- combination of NOR gate    has OR gate and NOT gate .

  Q3):- what  is arithmetic gate ?

     Ans:-   It is called arithmetic gate because widly used in ALU , adder , substractor ,multiplier etc. 

Q):- How many types of arithmetic gate.

Ans:-  There are two types of arithmetic gate.

a):- Ex-OR gate.(Exclusive OR gate )           Or     Staircase  gate. 

b):-EX-NOR gate.(Exclusive NOR gate.

a):- What is Ex-OR gate ?


The  function of  XOR  gate is to give  output  true  only  when  both the inputs are  true.


Ex-OR gate has two inputs and only one output .

  •  Exclusive-OR operation is denoted by 

  • Hence for expression for the output of the circuit

Symbol of Ex-OR gstg:-
Expression of Ex-OR gate :-

Truth table of Ex-OR gete:-
Waveform of Ex-OR gate:-

Circuit diagram of Ex-OR gate:-


 Q):-What is EX-NOR gate ?


The Exclusive-NOR Gate function is a digital logic gate that is the reverse or complementary form of the Exclusive-OR function.
                                                  The Exclusive-NOR Gate, also written as: “Ex-NOR” or “XNOR”, 

Ex-NOR gate is a combination of  X_OR gate and NOT gate

Symbol of Ex-NOR gate:-

 Expression of EX-NOR gate:-

Truth table of EX-NOR gate:-

Waveform of EX-NOR gate:-

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