What is decoder ? ( 2:4 , 3:8 Decoder )

What is decoder ? ( 2:4 , 3:8 Decoder )..

What is decoder ?
Ans:-. It is a combination logic circuit used to convert information into different codes.
Let us consider 'n' is the input lines and 'N' is the output lines.

 2:4 Decoder
It is a type of decoder in which there are two input lines and four output lines.

Let us consider 'n'is the input line and'N'is the output line.
Expression of 2:4 Decoder
Realisation of 2:4 Decoder

3:8 Decoder
It is a type of decoder in which there are three input lines and eight output lines
Let us consider A,B & C are input lines and Y0,Y1,Y2,Y3,Y4,Y5,Y6 & Y7 are output lines.

Truth table of 3:8 Decoder.
Expression of 3:8 Decoder.
Realisation of 3:8 Decoder.

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