
What is Encoder ? ( 4:2 Encoder )

What is  Encoder ?  Ans-    It is a combination logic circuit which convert decoded information to binary signal.                       OR An encoder is a digital circuit that performs the inverse operation of a decoder.                     Note - A encoder has input lines and "n" output lines.         4:2 Encoder       Truth table of 4:2 Encoder:- 

What is full substractor ? With truth table , expression & realisation

What is full substractor ? With truth table , expression & realisation Q):- What is full substractor ? Ans:-   A full substractor is a combinational circuit that performs a substract three bits and produces their differences. This circuit has three inputs and two output. The three inputs are A,B & C  and two outputs are differences & Borrow. Truth table of full substractor. Expression of Full substractor.   Realisation of Full substractor .

What is half substractor ? & Explain

What is half substractor ? & Explain.. Q):- What is half substractor ? Ans:-    A half substractor is a combinational circuit that subtracts two bits and produces their differences . Truth table of half substractor. This circuit has two inputs and two outputs. Let us consider A & B are inputs and difference & Borrow are outputs. Expression of half substractor. Realisation of half substractor.

What is decoder ? ( 2:4 , 3:8 Decoder )

What is decoder ? ( 2:4 , 3:8 Decoder ).. What is decoder ? Ans:- . It is a combination logic circuit used to convert information into different codes. Let us consider 'n' is the input lines and 'N' is the output lines.  2:4 Decoder It is a type of decoder in which there are two input lines and four output lines. Let us consider 'n'is the input line and'N'is the output line. Expression of 2:4 Decoder Realisation of 2:4 Decoder 3:8 Decoder It is a type of decoder in which there are three input lines and eight output lines Let us consider A,B & C are input lines and Y0,Y1,Y2,Y3,Y4,Y5,Y6 & Y7 are output lines. Truth table of 3:8 Decoder. Expression of 3:8 Decoder. Realisation of 3:8 Decoder. To donate money

What is demux (demultiplexer)? ( 2:4 ,3:8 & 4:16 demux )...

What is demux (demultiplexer)? ( 2:4 ,3:8 & 4:16 demux )... Q) :- What is demultiplexer ? Ans:- It is a combinational logic circuit which is consist of single input and switches through many many output with the help of select line.. If ' n ' is the no of select line and ' N 'is the no of output line.                1:4 demux :- This demux consist of single data input line band switches through a four data output line with the help of select line. Let us consider ' I ' is input line.  S o & S 1 are select line and  Y 0, Y 1, Y 2, & Y 3 are output line. Truth table of 1:4 demux. Expression of 1:4 demux. Realisation of 1:4 demux.               1:8 demux This demux consist of single data input line and switches through a eight data output line with the help of select line. Let us consider I is the data input line and S 0, S 1 & S 2,  are select l...

What is multiplexer(MUX)? & (2:1 MUX ,4:1 MUX ,8:1 MUX )...

What is multiplexer(MUX)? & (2:1 MUX ,4:1 MUX ,8:1 MUX )... What is multiplexer ? Ans:-  It is a combinational digital logic circuit  which consist of many input and gives output through a single common line with the help of select line. If small 'n' is the no of select line and 'N' is the no of data input line/input line.            Hence the MUX  can be named as 2:1 ,4:1 ,8 1 , so on. * MUX is a universal device.                    2:1  MUX nd This MUX  consist of two data input line and one data select line and switches through a single output line. Let us consider 'Io' and 'I1' is the data input line and 'So' the select line. Truth table of 2:1 MUX. Expression of 2:1 MUX. Realisation of 2:1 MUX.                            4:1 MUX This M...

What is adder ? & Types of adder..

What is adder ? & Types of adder.. What is adder ? Ans:-   It is a combinational logic circuit used to add two or more than two either serially and parallely .. Q) :-How many  types of adder are there? Ans:-  There are two types of adder. Half adder. Full adder. 1):- What is half adder? Ans:-   It is a type of adder which is responsible to add only two bit at a time. In half adder there are two input terminal and two output terminal  one is sum and another one is carry . Truth table of half adder. Expression of half adder. Realisation of half adder . Waveform of half adder. 2):- What is full adder ? Ans:-  It is a type of adder which is  responsible to add three bit at a time. In full adder there are three input terminal and two output terminal one is sum and another one is carry. Truth table of full adder. Expression of Full adders. Realisation of Full adder. ...